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Kobe Killer

Guess which one is the folk hero

 "Bryant was 5-for-8 from the field in the first half and the Lakers led by three. He was just 5-for-14 in the second half with the guy the Celtics call "T.A." playing textbook defense on him, and the Lakers lost the game by seven. Allen's harassing presence contributed to Kobe coughing up seven turnovers.

According to ESPN Stats & Information, Bryant is now just 5-for-19 (26.6 percent) in the Finals with Tony Allen as the Celtics' primary defender on him. Even when he doesn't cause Bryant to miss a shot, he deters him from even taking one. In the 73 possessions that Allen has guarded him this series, Kobe has touched the ball 79.5 percent of the time. In the 234 possessions when it's been somebody other than Allen checking Kobe, Bryant has touched the ball 88 percent of the time.

"I think he steps on his right really well, makes him go left and keeps on the floor instead of getting up [in the air] on the pump fakes," Los Angeles coach Phil Jackson said. "He does a good job of that."

Boston defensive guru Tom Thibodeau has molded Allen to embrace cerebral decisions rather than simply relying on athletic actions."
-Dave McMenamin, ESPN